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Story time- stranded in our home land.


We have all heard of the injustice being done to the poor and helpless people. Especially those who cannot sustain themselves financially. From the story of King Ahab, jezebel, and Naboth, to a rich man oppressing the poor.

Don't get me wrong but not all poor are oppressed and not all rich people oppress.

Before we dive into our  story today, if I may ask, how many people have heard this saying, it is a common saying in our country Kenya, that, 

"The rich say that the poor are lazy that is why they are poor and the poor say that the rich are oppressing them because of their power"

Is this really true?

Back in 2016, a man in Kilifi country got a wonderful deal. Kenyans say that, to be very prosperous you must have some connections with the people with the money. So this deal was indeed going to make him rich.

This man is from a poor background and never got a chance to take his studies or even a chance to read a book. But somehow he was a professional farmer and used his all skills to get something to eat. So far he was married and had 9 children who depend on him.

As we know, when opportunity knocks at the door, we grab it. Well, this man was approached by government officials. These officials were from the Department of Planning and Development and they were sent to get land to start an industrial project to increase, the " job opportunity for the youth"

We are going to give you a million shillings for your land. These were their words, and without hesitation, the man who has never held more than ten thousand in his hand at a time was very excited and did not think twice. They usually say that when the deal is good, think twice.

Well, they signed all the legal documents, and boom! Industries were built and started running. But there is a big problem, the man has not yet received the money. All that he knew was that the money was in the bank. But he has never seen the money.

Problems started to arise when some land was taken the food production was reduced and they were living in demand, the family was getting harder and harder each day to sustain.

The man decided to raise the issue and wanted his money in cash, it's not easy to make the demand, especially when you have no knowledge and money. 
Thanks to social media people raised their concerns, and hopefully, the government will hear his cry for justice 

In this story we learn that we should learn not to trust easily and fall into traps, especially when we are in need of something, especially money and money deals, we should know how to behave and be wise in every situation.

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