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Happy Sabbath- Heirs of the kingdom

Song 76 (Kiswahili)

Who is an heir?

Numbers 36:7. Talks about the inheritance and how it was done in the houses of Israel. Each tribe had to hold onto their inheritance not to be passed from tribe to tribe.

In the times of Israel, inheritance was one of the things that was very much upheld and no one was allowed to come and take the inheritance careless 

1Kings 21:1-9

Tells us about the story of Ahab, Naboth, and Jezebel.

We all know how this story started until the unjust was done to Naboth and the vineyard that was close to the king's palace was snatched.

Naboth was not willing to sell the inherited land to the king, he stood up to his word and held the words of the almighty God, " not to give out the inherited land to other tribes".  It was a big taboo to sell an inherited land in the tribe of Israel.

Praise God! Just imagine all the thoughts of the king. King Ahab, saw how this land was beautiful and great and really wanted to own it. What he was going to do with the vineyard, but here comes the frustration, the law of God was against it. And Naboth stood for the world of God till the end

Why do the people in power want to take people's land especially those who are weak. Using their power for evil,? Greedy can cause people to you all that is in their power to get what they want.

Looking at this story, Ahab was willing to offer any amount of money or even compensation to the vineyard that his eyes were fixed, not anything else.

But here comes the twist, the wife, Jezebel. Let us look at the short history of the wife.
Jezebel never worshiped the true God of Israel, she was not aware of the customs and culture of Israel. And never knew what the  Almighty God was expecting from them.

She worshipped Idols, even during her marriage to the King, Ahab, she refused to be submissive and never abandoned her idols. She came with all of her idols to the kingdom of Israel.

Seeing the distress of her king, and never knowing the best way to cheer him up, he booted a plan that led to the unjust to the innocent Naboth. This action teaches us a lot of lessons. But remember all this was done against God's will and furthermore they broke God's commandments.

Just take a thought, if you get something, unjustly and you have all the guilt about all the actions that you have done and nothing can change those actions, will that be a blessing or a curse?

Well for every successful unjust doing leads to a consequence, God  spake a curse unto Jezebel, on the same vineyard as he pronounced her curse and death (verse 23)

From here we learn great lessons, especially for Christians, have you ever, wondered why Christians are not allowed to marry from the world? Or non-Christians?

We should learn to appreciate what God has given us.
Do always good to others

2 Samuel 11:2
Here we see how King David coveted another man's wife

Mostly covering leads to breaking the commandment, " Do not kill"

Story time,, stranded in our home land.
Have you ever been robbed while you are looking

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