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Welcome to News Wave.

News Wave is the place where you will get all the knowledge in our current times, news from all across the globe, and be informed all around.

We designed this news website to share news so that you may be informed and get knowledge of the current happening, we also share information that we have done research on across the internet and we are determined to give you which is all the the best from us.

You will get more benefits from health information. From food planting, and food preparation to how you should eat it and the best combination that may suit different health conditions. The benefit of doing exercise and the best practices to do to keep yourself healthy. All of the above, our team will conduct all the research to make sure the correct information is given to you. Concerning your health, you should seek more advice from your doctor before trying anything new

Don't miss out on the facts and story time section, Here you will get a chance to learn new things and be amazed, and with the creativity in our team, you will get new stories that, will be funny, informative, bedtime( for children) and experiences from other people around us that can be a very good way to learn lessons. All this you will get to witness the creativity behind our team.

We all need some cash to survive in this life we live, Well, taking close consideration we thought to share some ideas of making money both online and physically, that might be a business that you might start and all the advice that you will need. Only legitimate and proven sites by our team online business will be updated on our site NOTE: The ideas shared here will NOT make you millioner overnight, but a few bucks, and for its success you have to make your effort.

Not forgetting our spiritual life too. Having daily Bible study articles on our site will help us grow spiritually and always make the right decisions in our spiritual lives. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we will get to understand Our Creator and what He speaks to us in His word, the Bible. We will also be sharing articles from various preachers inspired by the Holy Spirit, we hope that you will be blessed. Amen.

George Makori (Founder)

Hello, Thanks for choosing to read from our site. It is really amazing to get experts and experienced people to feed you with the vast knowledge they have acquired.

My name is George Makori from Kenya, I am a computer science student, majorly specializing in cyber security, web development, app development, graphic design, computer expert, and content creation in different social media platforms.

We are here to produce the best and highest-quality content that will benefit you, be assured that all the content on our website, News Wave, will be of high benefit to you and get lessons that you will never get anywhere else.

Thank you for choosing News Wave, for more interaction, subscribe to our social media to get the latest. We hope you get the best of us👊.