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Did you know a pigeon was detained in India?


Shocking right? I also wondered whether that is true.

As I was looking at my feed one day I came across a video talking about the detainment of a pigeon in India.  it was confusing because, how can a pigeon be detained? What crime did the pigeon do to deserve such a punishment? How was the case conducted in court? Did it have any lawyers or witnesses?

According to CBS News, the bird was caught in 2015, being suspicious it was a spy from China and it was caged for 8 months to verify that it was not a spy. They had taken an x-ray of the bird and seeing that it was healthy and had no abnormalities they realised it.


The reason behind the caging is that pigeon was that pigeons were used in the military, especially in the world wars and it seems like they were taking caution from past experience, what do you think?

Thanks for reading, type your thoughts in the comments section.


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