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A lesson of Unselfishness

Genesis 13:12

How often do we read our Bible 

In this verse, we learn that Abraham was dwelling in the land which God had promised and was given to him and his nephew  was looking toward Sodom

A lesson of unselfish 

A thief has both love and also doesn't have love, in which sense? He loves himself but doesn't love you or the person who he steals from.

To be honest, is that the love which Christ gives us?

We remember the promises given to Abraham by God. First, who was  Lot to Abraham, Abraham was the uncle of Lot. Remember Abraham was very rich, is richness a sin? Let's look at Abraham as a preacher

Exodus 34:5

How can we proclaim the name of the lord as Christians?

There are many ways today as. Christian, we can proclaim the word of God. First, it is through our characters and next it is through preaching, others are giving booklets and speaking to neighbors. Rember Paul said that because of us, the word of God abused, us from our behaviors and talks. We should understand that in every place we are, Christ is there, in every conversation our Christ is there.

So what is unselfishness?

To understand this let us look at these. What is selfishness? it is greed  Unselfishness is love, removing of self-loving and loving others. In the story of Abraham, while living in Cannan, lot and Abraham never got into a conflict but their workers and Abraham did not want any conflict because all had their richness.

Are there conflicts in our church among the church members?

Yes, what causes it, it is self and it is the base and start of  all other greed  Look at the conflict between the rich and the poor, the rich say that the poor are lazy while the poor say that the rich are 

Can a person decide to be poor?
On this discussion, it is a dangerous topic for a Christian ( remember what dad said) This comes during the giving of the offering, imagine you are earning a million dollars, what should be the tithes, of course it's 100,000, but many people look at this as too much money, so they decide to give only 10,000, or 5000, this is basically robbing God, and reducing blessing

Deuteronomy 8:18
And David made a prayer not to be given too much  Did you know, that sometimes Abraham stands for a church, he was called out

The first trouble in the church in Canaan as 
Let's be careful, satan rejoices when we start arguing about small things instead of accepting 

Abraham was very generous 
Let's love one another like drunkards but hate each other like Christians ( a story from the way to Kisumu, what is in the heart the tongue steals it)

Which secret did Abraham have to be so generous (Genesis 15:5 promise) Malach 3:  (  1 million and what is the tith

Genesis 15:5

Starting a company  and sharing profits
 The story  of Avman from Homabay 

Lot was a righteous man and did not allow the riches of this world to lead him astray, but these things led him not to do evangelism making him to lose everything.

For other people, God is a loose, like in a saloon the songs put

A question to us is God a loose to us

Where have we reached our tent too?
Lot was richeous but his tent was looking towards Sodom.

The preaching are being delayed because of our selfishness
As we make resolution for the year on our lives, let's make also resolutions on how to support the work of God.

We limit our blessings from God through our thithes .

Are our times seeking riches and doing what pleases us and turning our face  from God, our tents are pinched towards sodom

Life is short don't complain 
A short distance in the road matatu and 

Another one is a man who speaks evil then he goes to Chuito preach

You have left the church for a person but you meet in the market, river

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