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women empowerment

 Yes, we can! This has been the slogan of our women across Africa. Women, initially we're being looked down apone but today we have a significant development among the women. Well as I can say, creativity in African is growing rapidly 

In Africa, many markets have been flooded with women who want to make some profit from there products they have, the mindset of an entrepreneur. It is really wounderful to see women taking up the lead to earn a living.

In other parts, and most of the part, tailoring is mostly dominated by women who are very skilled and have a talent in their designs. This is making the whole story much better. You might find that one of your clothes was made by a woman in Africa.

Some women around town, who got support from their husband , and with their creativity they are running a partridge shop, porridge shops are rare and are unique but mostly as a replica of the coffee shop, but we can see all these creativity our women are taking our country to the next level than we have ever thought.

In digital development in devices, we have seen most ladies being interested into courses like computer science and software engineering. And shockingly most of the ladies have participated in Hackathon. This is really impressive because, many though that such things only men could do.

It's too sad to see that there are still families that have a mother as the bread winner. The only sure thing is that the children will never go to bed hungry. The instincts of a woman are almost the same of that of a mother bird, especially the hen, always taking care of her children no matter what.

African programme are encouraging especially ladies to participate in various activities and show case their talents.

Recently women were given a chance to participate in games like football and they are really doing there best in that sector. Creativity , having a vision and the desire to achieve.

Indeed our women can, woman power.

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