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Movie Review - The 100

Sometimes it is nice to chill down and watch your favorite exciting movies. Well, the entertainment industry is taking big steps in movies and series productions. Especially that of science fiction.

Well, today we are going to take a step to review one of the best TV series that many of us have gotten a chance to interact with it, The 100.

Starting from the title, The 100, what do you think of it?, well I asked this question to my friends and they said that, the 100 means 100 years after our world has been destroyed by bombs. But what do you think?

Well as for me I support my friends because one of my favorite characters in the series, clerk talked about it in season 1. Talking about season 1, watching it felt like we have gone already to the future.

With the technology development and living in space was truly amazing, and how the story was unveiling it's self was truly heart touching, although sometimes I felt sorry for the inmates, sending some of the inmates to earth to see whether it has suitable conditions was somehow seemed like a sacrifice.

All the logical and difficult decisions that they got to make were truly encouraging, with my favorite characters, clerk, and Bellamy. Sometimes I wondered unto myself, what if I was in that situation, what could I have done?


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