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Best place to visit in Kenya-Amboseli National Park

 Africa is one of the most blessed continent in the world. With the beautiful wildlife and nature, that will be a memorable site to spend a lifetime.

Diving towards the heart of Africa, today I want to share the most place recommended to pay a visit, Amboseli National Park. Most of us have heard of the name but have not gotten a chance to visit it or if you have plans for a vacation then, I highly recommend Amboseli National Park.

So, where is this park?

What does it look like?

Well, Amboseli National Park is one of the largest parks found in Kenya-Africa. In the south part of Kenya, almost bordering Tanzania, in Kajiado county.
The Kenyan government has really invested a lot to secure the wildlife, hence promoting tourism in the country, and Amboseli, is just but one of the breathtaking sites in Kenya.

History of Amboseli.
Before we dive into the current timeline, let's look at the history of the Amboseli. Amboseli is a word that means salty dust in the Maasai language. Most Kenya research and history date back in time, over 1500 years ago. The time when European explorers were searching for treasures in the African continent. One of the explorers by the name of Jeremy Thompson, adventured through the Maasai region and was very surprised by the nature and wildlife he encountered.

According to Wikipedia, the land was reserved for the Maasai and their cattle but in 1991 it was declared a UNESCO site and in 2005 the government took control to protect the wildlife 

Amboseli National Park is commonly known as the home of African elephants and the perfect view of the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro. With that view of the snow cape, one can opt to visit the mountain.

Today, the park is a wide open land, basically semi-arid or mostly dry, a place where you can get thirsty every second with the hot sun. It has short grassland providing a large view of the wildlife and easy to spot and take a photo of animals.

Amboseli contains a lot of rare animals such as small cats. They are fun to watch. Have you ever seen how the kittens play in the house, or with their mother? Besides that, Amboseli is known for its elephants, as we all know, research about elephants is usually done here, surprisingly. Recently some researchers tried to figure out how elephants communicate and their unique language. In the long run visit, you will also get to experience the exotic culture of the Maasai. Amboseli is also a home for spotted hyenas, Maasai giraffes, zebras, wildebeest, lion cheetah, and buffalo. And in order to protect this precious gift of nature the park has established some strict rules, like never harassing any animal.

Does this place qualify for a visit? Well, in my opinion, it does and there are a lot of things that we can learn from this place, and one of the lessons is that of nature. 

Thanks for reading.

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