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Hello pals,

If you have been around, you should have noticed that many coins are been developed in the cryptocurrencies and most of them start from as small as a telegram app game as it grows up to be launched. Most of these coins are being developed under the TON blockchain and later launched into exchange platforms. Well here is another opportunity I want to share with you today.

What is Dot coin?

Dotcoin is another web3 coin that is being developed, it is mostly commonly known as a telegram app game, where people tap on the dot on their screen to earn tokens. These tokens are exchanged in the market of crypto for money ones listed on the exchange platforms.

How do I get to mine these tokens?

This is very simple, just like the previous tokens, ones you get the link to the telegram bot/mini app 

1) type the word "/start", and send, you will receive a welcoming message to the app  and some links attached to the message, basically one
 "Let's go" directs you to the game, 
"Dotcoin community" lets you join the official telegram channel and
" How to play" shows you how to play the game
2) Click on the "Let's go" Link to direct you to the game, where you will be able to see your dash bord  and a dot at the center
3) Tap Tap on the dot, you will notice that as you tap the dot, it grows being bigger and bigger every second and the earning tokens increase simultaneously.

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