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Projects raised in Africa to plant trees

 Projects raised in Africa to plant trees

Climate change, heat waves, forest fires, global warming, we have heard them all but what solution has been placed to solve these emerging issues.

A problem will remain a problem unless a solution is placed in front of it. Well, welcome to today's climate conference, and today we are going to discuss on the wonderful projects, innovative and creative, developed in Africa as solutions to the big emerging issues of climate change.

Africans have also been blessed with one thing, creative thinking, and the ability to solve problems problems, have you ever wondered why some African parents can improvise a tool that naturally will cost a lot of money to get it?

Well and to get some solution we need to figure out what is the problem.
The eco jogging program.
This program came up with some individuals in Nigeria, who saw how their environment was very dirty and had to come up with a solution, in this solution they were to help the environment from pollution, and encourage all the people to participate in the program.

If you ask me, eco jogging, as the name suggests, these people come together to jog while collecting all the rubbish they find along the way. Simply they are jogging and collecting any plastic they find on the way, this helps so much, especially in the hygiene of the community and much further the environment by reducing the pollution made by the plastic.

It really works well, I can say it's truly innovative because both young and old do participate in the program. This shows how unity is a strength because together we can.

Plastic to fuel
The first project introduced us to the second one, with the question, where do we take the collected plastics?  Many young people around Africa have come up with the idea of converting plastic to crude oil, yes you heard it right, crude oil can be made out of plastic. How is this even possible?

By mastering the melting point and the pressure required, a man from Kenya can make litters of crude oil each day within his compound. The man collects some plastics, processes them, and sells crude oil. Isn't that amazing, what could be useless is turned into gold.

Planting trees

We have been making a lot of programs to plant trees and many have come up with different ways to plant trees. Well in Africa, environmental programs are conducted in schools to plant trees, these involve the students to plant those trees.
Besides that, they are programmers who have made an app where if you plant a tree in the app, all the income generated through that is contributed to planting a tree in real life.

Since most parts of the world, people have not started contributing towards the environmental conversation, a lioness was recorded picking a plastic water bottle from a lake, with the caption, if humans can't we will do it, it was very touching.

To everyone who cares about our environment, let's work together to make our environment clean and save our planet.

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