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Country Living - The Best side of life

 Living in a place where there is less polution and a hgh guaratee of safety is one of the best decision a person can make for his/her health benefit.The place we are talking about is country side. 

Hello friends, today we are going to discuss the benefit of living in the country side rather than living in the cities and more particulary focusing on the health wise. Country living is one of the topics that is not commony discussed today as people prefer living in the cities, interacting with others and the main factors that people prefer cities is that the acess to social amenities is very easy than that of the country side.As the wise say, health is wealth.


1)Air quality

2)Access to Nature

3)Physical activities

4)Diet and Nutrition

5)Stress levels

6)Community and social connections

7)Health care acessibility

8)Cost of living

9)Level of freedom


Logically looking at the conditions of living of the urban and the countryside people, the air quality of the country side is much high than that of the urban.

Living in the country side, you will experience the purity of air at all times, from morining waking up and mush highher quality during the day than in the urban. This is because, in  the country side, there is less air pollution. In most cases they say tractors and may be fertilizers pollute the air. But looking at the positive side,There are more trees, more grass, more of nature and green, and less people, hence pollution is reduced to 2%-5% compared to urban.

On the other hand, urban areas are very conjested, with high and very dense population, with all the industries located in such areas and the high number of vehicles on the road that burn fuel, it can be very hard to aquire some good and fresh air required by our bodies.

Many cases have arised of pople delelping lungs disease, to make the matter worse, areas near industies that pollute the air illegaly, young infants cannot survise in such conditions.


Up countries are mostly close to unpolluted forests, rivers natural landscapes due to their unpopulated characteristic. The large and green environment shows the balance in an ecosystem. For instance, the fields, most of them are green and the cattle at the place live happily and peacefully enjoying their meal. Even the kids really have a huge playground that is green. The parent is assured of their safety because grass is soft, hence fewer injuries are encountered. While looking for a place to get shade for either picnics or just relaxing your mind, the beautiful trees are always there to give their shade.

Unlike the urban area, where people are very congested, highly populated, and industrious, there is even a limited space for nature, if found, it is only in patches of small shapes. I can say that the ecological system in the upcountry is not balanced because, people depend on industrial food, and the animals that may live in that place may not fit because, nature is replaced by either settlement or industries

Physical activities

Have you ever gotten a chance to compare the health status of the people living in urban and rural? Well as for me I had that one thought and I remember asking some of my friends. It was a bit of a conversation but the conclusion of the matter was.....

Naturally our bodies were designed to live with nature and do things naturally. In such a case we all had a lot of weight to the country living, because, our bodies get the full experience of exercise when it comes to physical activities.

For instance, in the countryside, most of the people actively participate in agricultural activities. To be honest, I have never seen a home in the country side, without even a hen, have you? That means there some physical activities missing in the urban 

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